"A Seal was 'used in ancient times to mark
a document as authentic or authoritative.'"
-p.7, The Harbinger, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn.
What Does It All Mean...?
My new book, The KERAMION, Lost and Found: A Journey to the Face of God, chronicles the discovery of a historic object of profound archaeological and Christian importance. However, once you read the book and see the abundance of data supporting the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, inevitably, you will be confronted with...NOW WHAT? What does all of this mean? "It is the glory of GOD to conceal a thing; but the honour of kings is to search out a matter."(Proverbs 25:2-KJV). Once you see the Face of God as depicted on the Shroud of Turin and the ISA Tile, an important question to ask yourself is, "Do you personally know Him, and not just know about Him?"
There Is More...!
Yes, there is MORE to the book than described on these few webpages. Yes, there are MORE research findings that I have yet to divulge. And, yes, there is MORE to life...but, only if we have a personal relationship with the GOD-Man as depicted in the Bible, the same Man as depicted on the Shroud of Turin and the ISA Tile, namely, Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMessiach! My personal faith does not hinge on the authenticity of the Shroud; it is because of my faith that I may even consider the existence and authenticity of the Shroud. I know He came, He died and He shall come again. I strongly believe the Shroud is physical evidence of the greatest event in human history...the Passion, Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ!
When you read The KERAMION and contemplate the obvious implications, then you will see that Jesus Christ did exactly what He said He would do, and when He said He would do it. The Shroud also testifies to that. "Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up."(John 2:19-KJV). Further, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."(John 3:16-KJV). Jesus atoned for the sins of each of us so that if we believe and trust in Him as our personal Lord and Savior, then we shall have everlasting life with Him in Heaven. Jesus came to dwell among us, teach us, love us and show us the Way. He suffered for you and me. He was crucified, dead and buried...but, it doesn't end there. On the third day, He ROSE from the dead, as evidenced on the Shroud and depicted on the ISA Tile.
We each have a CHOICE to make...
So, ultimately each of us has a personal choice to with eternal consequences. We can either choose life OR death ... even choosing to make no choice IS a choice. In 1990, I made my decision to follow Jesus Christ and I have never regretted it. He has forgiven all my sins, shown me purpose and meaning in life and has granted me eternal life with Him in Heaven. Why not make your decision to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior right NOW...before it is too late. The foundations of our world are crumbling all around us and everything that can be shaken will be shaken. There is ONLY ONE HOPE...and His Name is Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMessiach! We are instructed in Psalm 27:8 (KJV) to "seek His Face"..."When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek."
When His imminent return occurs, it will be too late, as He will return to gather His Church and render judgment to all else. "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."(Romans 6:23-KJV). The Bible says that if one chooses not to accept Jesus Christ, then he shall be forever separated from Him and cast into hell. However, there is NOTHING that Jesus Christ cannot and will not forgive. And remember, Christian believers are NOT perfect saints...we are repentant and FORGIVEN sinners seeking to follow Christ. If you feel like you have had enough of trying to "do it all" by yourself, and/or are tired of your sins...then consider another option..."just give Jesus a chance" to forever impact your life! He can, and will, change it for the better! But, first, YOU have to invite Him into your life when you sense Him knocking at the "door" of your heart. He will never force Himself upon you, but He is always there, waiting and hoping you will turn to Him.
Take action NOW...!
The same GOD-Man as depicted on the Shroud of Turin and the ISA Tile mosaic is available NOW for a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP, by grace through faith, with ANYONE in the world, simply for the asking! But, the time of grace is quickly closing, and by all indications, His return appears to be imminent. Therefore, take action NOW, before it is too late...your eternal destiny depends on it! Click the "LEAP of FAITH" button below for a simple path to Salvation and the Kingdom of God. And, begin growing in the Image of Jesus Christ.
There is more...much more! HalleluYah and Amen!
If you decided to accept and follow Jesus Christ, congratulations on the best decision you will ever make! Next, believe in your heart, confess with your mouth, begin reading the Bible (Gospel of John), find a Bible-believing and Jesus-preaching church, receive a water Baptism and begin to grow in His Image. Be blessed as you begin your eternal Journey with Him in the Kingdom of God! You will never regret it!
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